
The Golden Years: Reflections on Life Beyond Sixty

Background: As the sun sets on the sixth decade of life, the tapestry of existence becomes rich with the threads of experience, wisdom, and introspection. The musings of a 60-year-old man often reflect a dance between the past and the present, vitality and vulnerability. The primal rhythm of desire continues to pulse within, a reminder of youth’s insatiable energy. Yet, with age comes a refined choreography, where the dance is no longer a frenzied pursuit but a graceful embrace of intimacy and connection. The vibrant hues of ambition that once dominated the canvas of life now blend into softer shades of contentment, as the pursuit of success transforms into a celebration of past achievements and the nurturing of future generations through mentorship and guidance. The symphony of life may play a more sombre tune as the body speaks in aches and whispers of time’s passage, but the melody is not one of defeat; it is a composition of resilience, a commitment to the harmony of regular ex

The Zamzam Well: A Sacred Source of Water in Islamic Tradition

  In the name of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) , the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful 1 . The Well of Zamzam, by the grace of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) , is believed to be approximately 4,000 years old, making it one of the oldest wells in existence 2 . Since the time of the noble Prophets Ibrahim and Isma’il (peace be upon them), estimated to be around the year 2000 BC, this well has been continuously providing water.   The enduring presence of this ancient well and the life-giving water it provides are of great significance in the Islamic tradition. It is seen as a divine intervention and a testament to the infinite mercy of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) 3 . From its miraculous origin to this day, despite the passage of millennia, the Zamzam Well continues to provide water 4 .   The water from this well is considered to be blessed and sacred 5 . It is a gift from Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) , a symbol of His boundless blessings, and a reminder of His endless mercy 6 . May Allah (Subha